Happy Friday! Sharing a few progress pictures of one of the client projects I have been working on this summer. I snapped these pictures on my phone. They are not the greatest quality photos, but this project is making such a great transformation, I thought I’d share!
This shower space was completely transformed.
One of my favorite design details I’ve been using a lot in a more modern bathroom design: A linear drain. It opens up a small bathroom space so much so you don’t have that extra barrier in the shower to step over. This is before the shower door was installed.
I have been designing a lot of contemporary bathrooms lately. In my personal style I have a bit more of a traditional flare, {another post I’m working on in my head!} but I love how they are all turning out. We used a “wood” tile throughout this remodel and it turned out beautifully.
This accent tile has a silver tile in the mix that is showing up more blue in this photo. It adds just enough interest and different material.
We painted these cabinets. They were originally a dark wood stain. New paint, new countertops, new hardware, new floors and a new backsplash that will be going in first of next week totally transformed this kitchen.
This is after tile install, before grout, but this tile is so cool!
It was a crazy busy summer with client projects. Love how the projects have turned out. Can’t wait to share some more photos soon!
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