Hi friends! I haven’t written in a few weeks. Of course it’s busy, and I have been struggling to find time to write, but when I do find the time, I’ve been second guessing what I’m thinking of writing. I’m still in this odd transition space, where I went from being just busy, busy, busy with my design business, kids, life, selling a house, buying a house, moving, having a baby, etc. to being a full time stay at home mama for the time being. I love it and the slower pace. However, I think I’m just coming out of the baby and the moving fog, and trying to figure out where my efforts should be focused. I am probably driving Jason crazy coming to him every other day wondering what my new normal looks like!
I figure with regards to this little blog, I’m going to just continue to write when I can and write about what I’m interested in and I what I feel like I can share with others. It may be about design, organization, and inspiration, but family and running a household are also a major part of my life, and as I’m figuring all that out, I think I’ll probably share some of that too. Hope that works for all who are reading :) I’m so thankful you stop by to catch up with me!
Everyone seems to be adjusting quite well to this whole major life change, and I’m so thankful that my kiddos are adjusting well. I would goes so far to say that on most days, I am adjusting well too ;) I feel like I am now ready to find our new rhythm. Thinking about this all, I realized that I do this each time there’s a new transition in my life. Sometimes I am more organized in detailing my/our life schedule out on paper and sometimes it’s all in my head. I tend to do better with execution on these routines when it’s written out for me to see. At least until it’s a habit and it’s just part of my day.
Whenever there is a new addition or major life change, routines shift. And I’m realizing this year that it’s ok to go with the flow and see how it unfolds in time. I don’t need to have it immediately figured out. But I have to admit, that’s so hard for me! If I haven’t gotten it all figured out, I feel like I’m failing instead of improving.
It’s been easier for me to discover a routine that works for little ones, though. For me, figuring out a baby’s routine has gotten easier with each one. Usually between the 8 week-3 month period, I’ve started to define some routine and schedule to our days. In the beginning I usually just do the feed and sleep thing on demand {or whatever they are calling that these days!}. Around the 8 week mark, I’ve written down when the baby has naturally tended to take her naps, when she’s fussy, when she’s hungry. I watch that schedule for a week or two to see if that is truly her personal rhythm and then I look at our family’s schedule and things that can’t budge and start fine tuning naps/eating/bedtime routines around that so they eventually mesh with the entire family’s schedule. With our girls {the younger two}, they’ve had to go along for the ride with their older brothers more often than not and their schedules during the day have not been as regimented as with our first. However I’ve found it’s important for everyone to get some kind of schedule in place. Of course as soon as you get that schedule fine tuned to run smoothly, they up and change on you and you have start all over again! HA!
You can read more about being “CEO of Our Family” here. I’ll be back later this week to share how I’m working on this “Finding Our Rhythm” concept and applying it to my time and the rest of our family’s schedule. In the meantime, if you see me and my kids out and about and the baby is still in her pjs, my little one’s hair needs a good brushing, we’re rocking mis-matched, “I put this together on my own” outfits, I’m a hot mess and it appears as though I’m herding cats, just remember we’re all a work in progress, ok?!?! ;)
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Gina you rock! i loved reading this blog entry! Thanks for sharing! Love you cousin
Thanks Cathy! Thanks for reading :) xoxo
Love reading your blog thanks for sharing! I feel the exact same way and can relate in so many ways. Always a work in progress and always transitioning and changing to something new! Still trying to get things organized and sorted our over here, finding a little rhythm.
Ashley, I’m so glad you can relate! I hope you are getting settled in to your new home, too! It always takes longer than I expect. Miss you guys!
Beautiful capture about just being in the moment.