Hi friends! I am loving seeing all the fall inspiration throughout blogland this week! I have thought about breaking out some fall decor, and I really should do that, but it’s seriously so hot here it’s been hard to get into the fall mood! Like 95-105 temps the last week and a half or two. UGH!!!! Yesterday it cooled down to the high 80s, so maybe this week I’ll get with the fall program.
So instead of plaid and cozy throws and pumpkins, I am going to share this adorable product I found on Instagram. I have to say, this is not a sponsored post. I just came across these adorable lights, tried them out and loved them so I’m sharing them with you!
Over the holidays last year, I had little trees in my kiddos’ rooms. In my baby girl’s room {she’s not so baby anymore :( } I had little twinkle lights around her mirror that served as her night light and she came to love them and depend on them. I didn’t really want twinkle lights up year round, but they were inconspicuous enough and they added a great warmth and comfort to the room and to her so up they stayed.
Then one day on Instagram, I found these little adorable lights!
Turns out they sell strands of 24 or 48 lights in prepackaged colorways or you can create your own colorway. If you create your own, you can choose to have them give you a random number of each or you can select what order you would like your lights to know how many colors of each you would get. I accidentlly clicked “random” then realized after I placed the order I wanted the colors to be in specific order and emailed their customer service right away. They were very helpful and I ended up getting 6 of each color:
White, Lavender, Ballet Pink and Bubble Gum Pink.
They come unassembled and you have to put them together, but it took about 30 minutes while I was watching tv. Easy!
You open up the little hole that is already there with scissors and pop in the lightbulbs that are connected on the string. You can see the little holes and the string of lights below. I found I needed to cut just a bit more than a 1/4 of an inch, but I started small and then kept opening the hole if I needed it larger. The lights come on a looped light strand, not a long light strand, if that makes sense.
All assembled and ready to hang. I couldn’t wait and had to go hang them in her room that night! She noticed them as soon as she woke up!
This is what they look like during the day. Such a whimsical addition to this little corner!
There is an easy on/off button connected to the light strand hiding right behind that picture frame so I don’t have to unplug at the outlet like I was doing for the twinkle lights.
As a side note, those small pictures are 3.5 x5s I ordered off of MPIX and just put them up with washi tape. They’ve stayed up for well over a year.
At night, they glow!
Thought I’d throw this picture in of her cute little lamp shade pennant.
This Target lamp is from a few years ago and I sprayed painted it purple. I picked out coordinating fabric and had my friend sew a mini pennant for her lamp shade. There is a matching larger one in her closet that I haven’t ever hung! Maybe once her big girl bed is in and things get shifted around a bit. I found her a cute little bed on Craigslist this weekend that we trekked to go pick up and I will be painting it. So another project to share hopefully sooner rather than later!
If you’re new to the blog or missed it, you can read more about her room here.
Love these Bright Lab lights! The possibilities are endless. I am trying to figure out where to put another strand in my boys’ room!
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