Hi friends! So glad to be back here and sharing the progress in our master bedroom since I last shared!
I thought this project would be a great way to share my design process from the beginning. Although this project has taken WAY LONGER than any of my design client projects!!! I guess it’s like that saying…”The shoemaker’s son has no shoes.” Is that right?? All I know is that I am making progress on this room. Even if it’s at a snail’s pace!
If you missed it, our master bedroom was pretty much a blank slate with the exception of the furniture. I first shared just how my whole design process works. Finding inspiration, brainstorming different design ideas, making sure it’s functional for the way we live. All those things go into my design planning process. That’s all before I even find specific pieces for the space.
Let’s just take a minute to appreciate the before of this room.
Then comes the Mood Board. You can see what I came up with {way back in MARCH ;)} for our master bedroom.
I decided on Benjamin Moore’s Revere Pewter for the walls. I just love that color. It’s now in our master and my office. It’s the perfect warm gray. All the trim is painted Whisper by Dunn Edwards. Dunn Edwards is a west coast company, however most all major paint stores have each other’s paint formulas in their system. You can always head to the Dunn Edwards website too and order a 5 x 7 paint sample swatch for free if you aren’t near a Dunn Edwards and have it color matched. It’s my go to white for every white cabinet project I do. It’s another perfect color!
Once I had painted the entire room, it was time for next steps. We needed window treatments desperately, and I’m happy to say we now have them up! I ordered Ikea’s Werna drapery panels in dark blue. They aren’t available anymore but these are very similar. They aren’t lined, but they are dark. Just something to consider, though, that from the outside, they will be the color of the fabric. I am going to do a post soon on how I made these super inexpensive ready-made drapes into a more custom fit with extra detail. We’re just glad we don’t have a sheet up anymore in here! ;)
I also added some hand and footprints of our youngest on the wall. I started this with our first and I have added to our collection. I love having some sentimental pieces in each room. It just makes a house a home with a story. I may want to move this little grouping over to the right a bit once I finish this whole wall, but for now, they are good.
One of them needs to be re-done. I didn’t want them matching, just similar and coordinating. I have tried to pick a very similar mat each time I have had them done, just with a little different silver frame. Their little foot and hand prints are hard to see, but they are treasures of mine!
And here is the room as of last week. Since then the area rug I found arrived and it is down and I love it! It’s the perfect piece for this room. I had already taken all these pictures, so I’ll be sure to share more of the rug when I add a few more things to this space.
I purchased the 9′ x 12′ area rug for this space, but it comes in different sizes. I had seen it while searching for other rugs and loved it. And loved the price even more! It was around $350 for a 9′ x 12′ rug! A few weeks later, I looked it up again and it had gone down even more! With a $25 gift card I had and free shipping, it ended up being about $289. I was a little concerned it would feel cheap or super thin, but it is a beautiful rug and I love the colors in it. I’ll use these colors to pull from when adding the extra decorative pillows and accents to the room.
This is a very meaningful bible verse to me. That is a whole other blog post ;) But when I was out and about and found this at a local shop, it was like it was meant to be in our home. My mom got it for me as an early Christmas present and I can’t wait to hang it up!
On a rather funny note, if you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my InstaStory last week. I thought I would save money by painting my own version of this art from Pottery Barn…
Needless to say, it didn’t turn out quite the way I was hoping. I thought I could totally replicate it. I used to paint quite a bit. My parents even have art I painted hanging in their home. I guess it’s a skill that lessens if you haven’t used it for awhile! HA! My husband saw it and said “There is no way you are hanging that in our bedroom.” Mmmm, ok then. Thinking I’ll let my kids add to it and maybe it can be some contemporary art for our basement or something!
Just a few more progress pics…
I’m on the hunt now for some decorative throw pillows to add some color and interest to the bed.
I’m still thinking of doing a grid of large photographs on the wall to the right of the tv. My go to Ikea frames aren’t available right now, so I’ve been on the look out for some interesting, yet inexpensive, larger hanging picture frames. On the left side, I’d love to do a couple of wood shelves with some decorative pieces to add something different other than just art.
So that pretty much wraps up the Master Bedroom update!
In other news, this little guy joined our crew a few weeks ago. Meet Captain, the German Shorthaired Pointer.
We lost our beloved yellow lab, Lancer, last Spring, and I miss him terribly. So I thought it would be a great idea to get another puppy, WAY sooner than I expected. I researched breeds, we visited a few different breeders, and I was convinced now was the time to get a puppy and that this litter was the one. I don’t really know what I was thinking!!! This is all totally my doing and he’s totally my puppy. And I have to admit, he’s still growing on me. Certain days, he’s a great puppy {of course doing puppy things, but still, I see the potential!} and other days he does a little something that I get super concerned about. So we’ll see how this goes. I need to get him into puppy obedience school. He’s doing great so far with the command training we’re doing at home. Potty training on the other hand, not so much. UGH! I really can’t complain because it was ALL my doing!!! I’ll keep you posted on Captain’s progress :)
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Love the framed handprints Gina! And the Bible verse is Shannon’s confirmation verse and is embroidered on her letterman’s jacket. So a very special scripture for our family too!
As for Captain it just takes time and patience! Harley is now 8 months and is great. We did very basic puppy training and it was good! I plan on taking him back for more advanced training. Hang in there it does get better. And a family pet is so good for the kids in many ways!
Love your blog. You are giving me inspiration!!
How neat about the bible verse! I love that it’s special for you, too! Oh, Captain. He’s taking LOTS of patience! We will be starting puppy training soon and I may have someone come out to help with some issues at home! 6 months seems like a long ways away!!! Thanks for reading! xoxo
OMG I AM SO SHOCKED YOU GOT A GERMAN SHORT HAIR POINTER. We lost our beloved chocolate Lab a few weeks ago and this is exact dog I have in mind! However I can’t find any in San Diego!! Where did you get Captan Gina? Do they have another?????? Please let us know!
Your rooms look fabulous!
Therese and Jake
Jamul, Ca
Therese, I am so sorry that you lost your sweet lab. It’s always SO difficult. I sent you an email with all the details :)