Hope you all had a nice weekend! We were headed to Disneyland on Sunday, but decided to stay home instead, so I was able to get some more projects done around here. Nothing big, but these days I’ll take whatever I accomplish!
With a lot of changes going on around our house lately, it’s been a great opportunity to get back on track with Organizing Our Home, One Project at a Time.
I have a lot of little projects I have either already tackled or are on my to-do list to organize that I will share each week again. I am by no means an organizing “expert,” however, I love to organize and have a functioning home, so I’m constantly working on finding the best systems that work well for our family’s organizational needs, and I figure why not share them to possibly spark some other good ideas?!?
A couple of weeks ago, when moving our furniture around, I had to come up with a different storage solution for the boys’ art and craft supplies. We were storing them in a drawer in our entertainment unit. Since that has moved into the dining room, and all our dining room storage will eventually transfer from our sideboard into the drawers, I had to come up with a solution. And fast! My almost 2 year old especially likes to get into the crayons and stickers if I turn my back for a second!
In the drawers in the entertainment unit.
I needed something that was more contained, but could be carried from where it lives to their little table to create.
I found these at Target and eventually picked up 3 total.
I went through all the supplies and sorted them into the different boxes.
This is also a good way to keep me in line! I tend to purchase a lot of art stuff and then it’s over flowing. The bins forced me to get rid of stuff we never used. This way we can only keep what fits into the plastic bins.
I used a few of the Martha Stewart chalkboard labels and a chalkboard pen, which for some reason, I didn’t think it would wipe off as easily as it has. I have since purchased a white paint pen!!
We have one last “set” that holds workbooks and paper. They have moved around a bit. I’m still trying to find their official home, but so far this has been a good system for us.
How do you store art and craft supplies…especially so little hands don’t get into them?!? I would love to hear!
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