Hi friends! It’s Friday!!! Whoot Whoot! I have had a fun week of meetings {a productive client kitchen project meeting and a fun blogging planning meeting with my sweet friend, Erin} and I did some fabric hunting for a couple projects. Hope you’ve had a good week too! Yesterday I shared a photo of our kitchen on Instagram and thought I’d break my “systems and planning” streak and share our kitchen, as it is today. We inherited this kitchen from the previous owner and haven’t done too much to tweak it in the last 4 years. I have ideas on some changes I would like to make at some point: The cabinet hardware, the backsplash, paint out the wood crown molding at the top of the cabinets, and swap out the old appliances for new ones {they are all at least 16 years old…} but for now it’s working well for us. Changing out the hardware from the brass to an antique bronze is next on the list, and I’ll be sure to post pictures of that when/if it ever happens!
I love our huge copper hood and I don’t mind it having a bit of a patina. I actually like it better than it super shiny. However, the previous owners had some kind of art leaning up on it and it bugs me that I can still see the outline, 4 and a half years later. Someone should really polish up that hood ;) It’s more obvious in the photos than real life, but it still bugs me a bit! I started polishing it about 3+ years ago and it took so much elbow grease, I gave up about 4 hours and an 8″x3″ patch into it. I would love to get this all polished, although I’m not sure I would love the new penny look…
This fall we had to get a new fridge and decided to get a matching dishwasher along with it. I love our new dishwasher and fridge. So much more room and so much more efficient! I decided to go without the water dispenser in the fridge because for one, we have filtered water at the sink and although I liked that my kids could get their own water easily from our old fridge, I didn’t want even more mess on those stainless doors from water drips. I also figured that would be something that would break before the rest of the fridge, so I opted out and I haven’t regretted it.
We have a wine fridge that we thought was awesome when we first moved. About a year or so ago the temperature gauge started acting funny and so we figured since we weren’t keeping the wine and the correct temperature anyways, why were we paying for the electricity to possibly ruin all that good wine?!?! So we unplugged it and now it’s just basic wine storage.
We replaced our faucet about a year ago. That window is our last wood framed window in our house. I have painted every other window white. This will be added to the “2016 Home Project List!”
So that’s our kitchen! A place I love to spend time in with family and friends!
LOVE this post Gina! Your kitchen is just too cute! The copper hood is amazing! Polished or not! And I’ve always loved that brick backsplash. So fun to see it in pictures! Makes me want to come over again. :) Yea for our productive planning meeting! I was showing Kenny our highlighted list method and for some reason his jaw didn’t hit the floor like mine did.. hmm..
Ha! ;) So happy I have you to share all exciting things with. :) xo
Thank you, Erin!! We need to plan another get together at our house very soon! Our meeting was so productive, and I’m shocked Kenny wasn’t blown away by this list taking method ;) It’s actually quite life changing in the world of note taking and to do lists! I will always get super excited over these important, impressive ideas, so share, share away! xoxo