Happy Monday!
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We had a great week last week visiting in the bay area and we drove home on Friday. All day Friday I kept thinking it was Sunday! So it was a bonus to have 2 extra days of hanging out :) We were all pretty exhausted from the week, but my hubby took my older son to Comic-con, which is a huge comic/sci-fi/fantasy convention that takes place every year. My son is slightly obsessed with comic books and everything “scary” so they had a blast both Saturday and Sunday for a couple of hours each day!
Recently I wrote about our new sectional and room switch, and I’ve been looking for a new coffee table for our new family room. Currently we have a chest as our coffee table that was my aunt’s and I love it, but I think it’s too small for the sectional, so it will find another home in our house.
I’ve looked around a lot and wanted to find something that was square or round because our sectional is the same length on each side. I like assymetry, but when it comes to coffee tables with sectionals, I am a strong believer that the coffee table should fit the sectional appropriately. Meaning if the sectional is the same length on each side, you should go with a round or square coffee table. And if one side of the sectional is longer than the other, a rectangular coffee table is best. In our case, if the table was rectangular it wouldn’t feel “even” or symmetrical to me and it would drive me nuts!
I debated between a table and an ottoman because of having small kids around, but ultimately I decided that having a place to play cars and color was more important to my kids than a possible bump on their head {I know my kiddos!}.
I also wanted something a bit more rustic and casual that could withstand the daily abuse it will be getting in the years to come, and fit more in the “casual coastal” vibe/look we are trying to achieve. {I sure hope I don’t pigeon hole myself into labeling this look I’m going for and end up going a completely different track :)} Another super important priority was not spending a fortune. With access to a ton of furniture options “to the trade,” I can find amazing pieces that are exactly what I would love to have, yet I wouldn’t have any money left over in my budget to do anything else to the room!
So, this is what I’ve decided upon.
The shelf underneath will be an added bonus for storage. I originally wanted a table with an open bottom that everyone could sit around with their legs underneath, but I actually sat down on the ground to test it out in the store and it was comfortable enough :).
What do you think? Love it? Not your favorite? I’d love to hear!
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