With seasonal decorating upon us, I thought I’d share how I have built up a collection of home accents and accessories to use for years to come.
Just a quick {maybe not so quick} timeline on accessorizing, styling, etc…
I learned long ago from my mom about decorating for each season. She has a way to not make it to “theme-y” but to add more of a feeling of the season. She’s the master “stylist” in my opinion and just has a way with balance and accessories. She was covering books with pretty wrapping paper and upholstering her own headboards 35-40 years ago, way before it was an idea on Pinterest and it always looked so great!
In the Fall after college graduation, Jason and I got married and I was so excited to have a home together to make ours. We had zero money and were renting the bottom floor of a 100 year old house in Newport, Rhode Island. We had left all our furniture and wedding presents in California in storage for when we’d move back for Jason’s first Navy tour. Our rental was fully furnished, so all we had to make it our own were the accessories, bedding, and art. And a Pier 1 Papazon chair that I had to have! Did any of you have that Papazon chair?!?
Since we couldn’t change any of the big things in our home, art and accessories were all I had to add our personality and make this little house our first home. If you’re familiar with Rhode Island, then you know the Christmas Tree Shops. It was a little refuge from being away from all I knew and my family and friends. We had gotten on a plane early the morning after our wedding and moved to Newport as newlyweds at 22. It was quite a transition to say the least. But I loved walking the aisles of the Christmas Tree Shop to find super affordable home nick knacks. I still have a few Christmas decorations that were from that place!
From an apartment and 2 homes in San Diego and now a home in Nebraska, I have added to our little home treasures along the way. It didn’t all happen at once. It was collected over the years. Tastes change, trends change, and homes change. Different houses call for different pieces to make it feel like home.
In this home, we’ve got this massive wall of built-ins that we’ve never had anything like before. I’ve filled it with pieces we have, but I’m still working on adding pieces that I really love that fit proportionally, etc. It all takes time!
It can cost a lot to add all new accessories when you start your “adult, grown-up” life or if you move into a new home. Especially with seasonal decor, this is how I have added {and continue to add} to my collection:
Depending on the season, a great wreath, garland, or faux pumpkins can add a good back drop to seasonal decorating. You won’t get sick of them and you’ll have them for years to come.
Adding seasonal pillows and throws are a great, easy way to totally give the feeling of a season, whether it’s spring or winter.
Christmas Pillow // Velvet Pillows // Similar Throw // Juniper Tree
I just purchased these more winter-y pillows and this Christmas pillow because it had been 5 years since I had last purchased our main throw pillows! See, they last a long time!!! And they totally change the feel of the space. The velvet pillows definitely feel more like winter decor.
Last year I added this fun large wooden snowflake that I found at a local boutique.
And this year I added this cute little tree.
Every year I add a new piece to our Department 56 North Pole Village. We all love pulling them out each year and I love to see the collection grow. I started it the first year we had kids.
I also started this nativity last year. I just love how whimsical it is, and I plan to add the 3 wise men to it this year.
Are you noticing a trend with keeping the “budget” in mind?!?! The holidays are a time when it feels like money is flying out the car window as your driving down the highway. So I’m always mindful of what we could use for our home and what fits into the budget.
This year we decided to invest in an artificial tree. {side note: I always use the word “invest” when talking about pieces we’ll have for a long time to come that may be more on the pricey side for our home. Jason likes to remind me an “investment” is something that appreciates over time. Whatever. To each his own on what an “investment” means!} Last year, it literally took me a full week to add lights to our tree. It was the Great Lighting Disaster of 2016. We’ve got really high ceilings in our great room and the space can use a decent size tree. So after factoring the price of a 9’+ real tree every year, and the time it takes to light the dang thing, I figured we’d try an artificial one. I’m so excited to take it set it up and see how it looks. I’ll be sure to share our holiday home tour in the very near future and let you know what I think!
Our tree from last year. PS-I always use a blanket we have on hand for the tree skirt.
This isn’t adding to your collection, but I always fill in with nature finds. Greenery clipped from a tree or bush outside, branches, etc. An easy and cheap way to add decor to your home.
So those are my tips for building your season home decor collection! I’d love to hear any other ideas you have. Happy decorating and Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
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