I had such an amazing time in Atlanta last weekend at the Haven Conference! My good friend, Erin, {who I actually met through blogging} and I met bright and early at the airport on Thursday morning. We kept saying how quick our flight went! I guess a quick nap and non-stop chatting the entire way can make a flight fly by!
We met up with the talented Jen from Style House Interiors at the Atlanta airport. Jen was leading a session on how to grow your Instagram account and it was so fun to meet her and get to know her. It was the first time at Haven for all three of us so we didn’t know quite what to expect, but the whole weekend definitely exceeded our expectations!
The first night there was a little meet and greet.
{me, Erin, Jen}
We got to meeting and talking with so many fun people that we didn’t leave the party until about 8:15pm-8:30pm. And I was hungry. And tired. But especially hungry. And if you know me, you know I can get the “horrible hungries.” But with the combo of hunger and tiredness, I just started to shut down. Erin had me laughing because she said, “You’re shutting down and keeping everything in reserve. We need to get you food!” After a yummy meal at a restaurant next to the hotel, I came back to life!
The next morning was the key note speaker, Jon Acuff. I didn’t know of him before his speech, but he had us all laughing hysterically and gave such great inspiration and practical information.
He said if he had really thought this through and been prepared, he should have had stacks of his book, Do Over, in the back corner with a slightly larger cardboard cut out of himself to sell. He totally should have! I would have purchased it right then and there. But I’ll settle for Amazon. I can’t wait to read more!
You can find it here.
Loved all he had to say, but one thing he said that stood out to me was
“Care about what the people you care about care about.”
Kind of a tongue twister, but when you think about it, it makes sense. This could apply to work, blogging, your kids or your spouse. It made me think most about my kiddos and my husband. I’m not totally that into snakes and bugs and lizards or Minecraft. But my boys are. It makes them so happy and excited to tell me all about it. And I really don’t have the same passion for politics as my husband does. But it’s his number one interest. So I have to do a little more than just do the zoned out head nod when I’m listening with the occasional, “Oh!” Kinda like he sometimes does when I start talking about big and little tweaks for around our home…
We took classes that day on how to use Facebook for your blog, and a great class on creating a meaningful home.We ended the day with a class on how to grow your Instagram account {led by Jen my roomie!}. We learned so much and had fun meeting so many new people.
That evening we went to dinner with the women behind some of my favorite blogs! So fun to be among these amazingly talented and sweet women.
Sam from Simply Organized {met her at a blogger meet-up a few months ago and was excited to see her at Haven and get to know her better.}; Megan from Honey We’re Home {one of the very first blogs I started reading and she is such a sweet, genuine person! loved loved getting to hang out with her.} Jen from iHeart Organizing {the first blog I ever found and faithfully followed. she’s so talented with her organizing skills and just as nice in real life.} Erin from Sunny Side Up {seriously I feel so blessed to have her friendship and she’s got some mad organizing and decor skills to match.} Jenn from With Heart {so talented and so fun! and she’s got the best, cutest little baby girl that was just one of the girls. excited to follow her blog and her You Tube channel.} Jen from Style House Interiors {she’s funny and fun and her instagram feed is gorgeous! she just started her blog and I can’t wait to read along.} and me
The next day we had another round of amazing classes: Email marketing and newsletters, using Affiliates, and taking a blog to a brand. After all our classes and the closing session, we headed to dinner and then continued the party at the Haven dance party!
I learned so much and I’m excited and overwhelmed all at the same time, HA!
So glad I was able to go!
{affiliate link included for your convenience}
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